1.2 GHz Digital Broadband Edge amplifier
Item code: 19010366
Model Number: DBE1200BASE
- Adaptable for four high level outputs
- Operates to 1218 MHz with a forward gain of up to 44 dB
- Return path gain of up to 25 dB
- Field upgradable plug-in diplexers offer 42/54, 65/85, 85/102, 85/105 or 204/258 band splits
- Modular, power efficient design
The Technetix DBE-1200 amplifier is an innovative ‘crossover’ design which provides a field upgradeable solution to fibre. Its RF function can be configured for use as a four output device. Designed using energy efficient GaN (gallium nitride) technologies, the DBE-1200 offers a functional upgrade path for the majority of compact amplifiers from other manufacturers by:
- Providing individual electronic gain and slope control for each of the amplification stages
- Consuming less power compared to GaAs hybrid amplifiers
- Providing a similar or smaller physical footprint
- Harnessing GaN technology to provide class leading forward and return path gain
The DBE-1200 provides reverse path transmission with an amplification stage up to 25 dB and a frequency range up to 204 MHz. Forward and return path signals can be adjusted with electronic attenuators and electronic equalisers. Forward path equalization available in 862 MHz, 1006 MHz and 1218 MHz versions.
The DBE-1200 has a highly efficient long-life switch-mode power supply and uses thermal fuses to provide the powering modes required for the modules used. Gas discharge tubes at the input and output ports protect the RF circuits in the event of lightning or mains power surges.
- Full digital control and setup with optional integrated AGC/ALSC
- Windows, Android and iPhone software applications available for amplifier configuration
- Improved intermodulation distortion performance – innovative GaN technology operates to 1218 MHz
- Energy efficient technology provides more gain from the same power consumption
- Flexible amplifier configuration to meet changing network needs
- CPD Safe™ technology and surge protection mean fewer reported faults, improved customer service an a reduction in truck rolls
- Onboard ingress detection facility provides an option to apply -6 dB or -40 dB of return path attenuation via a simple transponderless FSK protocol
- The DBE-1200 is easy to upgrade to a deep fibre node by replacing the existing RF modules with an optical transmitter and receiver modules
- Development roadmap includes auto-alignment and auto-optimization
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